Putting the Passion Into Promoting Your Book

I have just written the guest post for Joan Stewart’s Publicity Hound blog entitled “5 top things to consider before you write and self-publish a book and why publicists should care.”

When the post went live Joan emailed me:

I particularly love the sentence: “If you are not going to be willing to put in the passion — the time and the effort and probably the money — to promote your book, perhaps it is better not to write the book.” That needs to be put on a billboard!

She can say that again!

Click here to read the entire post on the Publicity Hound blog now.

P.S. And click here to read my article on Amazon’s new program Kindle Countdown Deals. On November 4-5 click here to to see the Kindle Countdown Deal information added to my women’s friendship novel MRS. LIEUTENANT, with which I am trying out this new program.

© 2013 Miller Mosaic LLC

Phyllis Zimbler Miller is the author of fiction and nonfiction books/ebooks, including TOP TIPS FOR HOW TO PUBLISH AND MARKET YOUR BOOK IN THE AGE OF AMAZON and the romantic suspense spy thriller CIA FALL GUY.


  1. Thanks so much for contributing this post, Phyllis.

    For several years, I’ve been offering authors a list of questions they should ask themselves before they start writing their books. I am going to add some of your questions to the list. It is so important that people understand how difficult publishing a top-quality book really is and that publishing it is the EASY part. The more difficult task is promoting it and sticking with a marketing program long after the book is on the shelves.

    1. Thanks for adding this comment, Joan. Your words “sticking with a marketing program long after the book is on the shelves” are key. And that can be hard to do in the face of low book sales, but who knows when a sales spike may be just around the corner — if an author keeps on chugging (or should I say plugging)!

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