CIA FALL GUY Story Background

The seed for the romantic suspense spy thriller CIA FALL GUY came from my experiences living in Europe when my husband and I were stationed with the U.S. Army in Munich, Germany, from September 1970 to May 1972.

My husband Mitch was a military intelligence officer with the 18th MI Battalion, and I eventually got my own security clearance and a low-level GS job with the 66th MI Group. A copy of the reports I typed (on a manual typewriter) went to the CIA station in Munich.

The bombing of the Frankfurt Officers Club actually occurred in May 1972 only a few hours after Mitch and I arrived in Frankfurt by train from Munich and then immediately flew back to the United States on a U.S. Army-chartered plane. I subsequently read about the bombing in the front-page news items of The Wall Street Journal.

A few years later while getting my M.B.A. at The Wharton School I applied to work at the CIA. Click here and skim down to the middle of the page to read about that experience — “The CIA and Me.”

© 2013 Miller Mosaic LLC

Phyllis Zimbler Miller is the author of fiction and nonfiction books/ebooks, including TOP TIPS FOR HOW TO MARKET YOUR BOOK ON AMAZON AND FACEBOOK and the romantic suspense spy story CIA FALL GUY.

Click here to visit her Amazon author page at

She also has an M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is the co-founder of the online marketing company


  1. Phyllis Z. M. !

    What a wonderful back story on the inspiration and foundation for CIA Fall Guy.

    I really enjoyed reading about your direct experience as a military spouse, and then employee. Also, I read the link you offered to the corroborating conversations you had with Mary Elliot Raynor via social media.

    Fascinating and even more exciting for me since you introduced me to Mary and her blog. My world may be getting a tiny bit smaller but by no means any less stimulating and surprising.

    Carry on blogging and whooshing your adventures over to us to read about and enjoy in your books.

    1. Helena — What a wonderful comment! Thank you so very much for this and, as always, for your support. I really appreciate it!

  2. My pleasure.
    Since I’ve joined the Mil-blogger-writer community, I appreciate the opportunity to learn and feel privileged to be able to share in these, even far away, moments in other writers’ lives and process.

    1. Definitely one of the best perks of being part of this blogging world is the opportunity to learn from each other!

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